Spanesi, confirming its own engagement for a sustainable development by projecting
eco-friendly products, presents its “GREEN LINE”.
ELECTRA was developed thanks to the most advanced “green” technologies. It is an
advanced spray and drying booth which does not use any combustible but only electric
energy (so there is no burner).
The main feature is the set of short-waves infrared lamps, which are spread inside the
spray booths and managed by a software which optimize the performances and the
consumption in all working phases.
The new Touch Screen panel 4.0:
Allows to manage the working phases (temperature, duratation and ventilation) through the control program Spanesi according to the parameters selected by the user;
Allows the automatic control (through INVERTERS) of the chosen pressure;
Allows to show the consumption of each single working phase and to show the total costs beginning from the first start-up of the spray booth (it is possible to download the costs report on USB stick, tablet and smartphone;
Manages the pressure switches with alarm about (5) filters obstruction.
The total burners absence avoids any preventive authorization request to the authorities. For this reason, this system suits perfectly to those who cannot install a burner;
The functioning of a completely electric spray booths allows big savings in those situations when there are advantages or reliefs for the purchase of electric energy;
The infrared system does not affect the working method acquired with a traditional spray booth;
With the infrared system there is NO gas dispersion into the atmosphere;
The infrared system suits to everyone who needs a high productivity installation.
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